❄ you'll need to make a username and set up a journal before applying. the username should be in-character with no extra letters, numbers, or underscores. the username should either have your character's stagename or their real name involved but that's all.

❄ you will need to have examples ready when you apply for your role. so, make sure to have the journal added to your examples journal or to your celeb's journal when you do. if you add us to your celeb's journal instead - make sure to make a custom entry for the mods - so we can have a look at what examples you've provided for us.

❄ challenges will happen for popular roles. and even if it happens, it doesn't mean that the first person will always get the role. after all, here we want to see great quality writing, and realistic portrayals of the celebrities in our community. so, we'll pick who we believe fits the role of the person they're applying for better. also, we'll only allow two challenges per celeb maximum.

   activity requirements
❄ the activity limit will be every four weeks since we are starting off in the holiday season. if you are inactive past four weeks without a hiatus or extension, your role will either be overridden by someone else, or your role will be reopened and made available for others. sorry but threading does not count here as a means of updating. your updates need to show your effort and should be either a narrative, something visual but also text based, or even a traditional journal entry. we do have a word count limit of three hundred words minimum! you will also need to take part in sub-community activity and respond to the comments you get there. posting updates but doing nothing else will lead to your removal.

❄ sub-community activity does count! so if we notice that you're not posting in the sub-communities then we will ask you about it and if you continue to ignore the subcomms, you will be removed for inactivity. so post those lyrics, do ama sessions, and just have fun with the other members! getting involved never hurt anybody.

❄ sometimes, we all need a little break from roleplaying and the internet! that's okay and that's why we allow our members to go on hiatus as long as a reason is provided to us. hiatuses, however, will only be given to you once every six to eight weeks and they cannot surpass two weeks in length. as for extensions, those will be granted once every eight weeks or if you update frequently, you can use an extension pass. these will be granted to you if you update on time, three times in a row!

   everything else
❄ do not plagiarize or copy the writing of others. having a similar code to someone is one thing as long as you leave credit where it's due. blantant theft, however, will get you removed from the community if you're reported to us by another member. members, if you notice someone stealing, and you have proof, please contact us immediately!

❄ the ooc and ic line is a very thin line in roleplay. do your absolute best not to blur these lines when you're in the community! causing problems and drama for members, because you expect they might be someone you hate, is kind of pointless. it will get you kicked out of our game and you won't be allowed back in! so, don't start shit and nothing will go wrong.

❄ we want you to have fun in our community. roleplaying is strictly just a fun hobby and should not be taken too seriously! if you're being bullied ooc, if you feel like you're not fitting in or breaking into the game, or if you have some other issue - contact the mod journal. hopefully then your problems will be resolved!

❄ don't invade the privacy of others. if you install an ip counter or something of those sorts on your journal, you will be removed, because it's none of your business where someone is from or who they are ooc. people want to be anonymous in roleplay and that should be respected. again, don't pull this crap, because it will not be taken lightly. you've been warned.